Monday, October 28, 2013

Schemas- October 28th

11 Spring Poems for Children and Poetry Ideas - Illustrate in poetry notebooksOne of the readings this week by Gregory and Cahill was really easy for me to relate to. When I first started reading this article, I really didn't understand what schemas were and I didn't know how a kindergartner could possibly understand it either. However, as I read and reached the visualization paragraph I realized that my third grade English teacher used the same exercises with my class. We were required every morning when we came into class to jot down a poem into our journal and then draw a picture to go with the poem. I firmly believe that lesson made me appreciate and read poetry so much easier from then on. Gregory and Cahill discuss the children reading and writing poems for half a page and drawing what they thought it meant on the second half of the page. This was one of my favorite lessons my teacher did with me in school, and a lesson I definitely want to incorporate into my teaching one day. However, on the subject of schemas, how does the teacher explain schemas to kindergartners along with the three categories so it doesn't confuse them? Does the teacher use simpler terms or create easy words that mean the same thing as connecter, visualization, and constructing meaning?

schemaSchema and student schema sheets

Gregory. Cahill. Kindergartners Can Do It, Too! Comprehension Strategies for Early Readers.

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